Russel Mihingo, 14, met his death on November 25, just three days before sitting for his KCPE exam.

Queries are now being asked about what happened and the circumstances that led to the boy’s death.

During Mihingo’s burial at his parents’ home in Ithanga, Murang’a County, on Friday, December 2, 2022, mourners could hardly come to terms with the demise of the pupil from ComeJuu Academy in Githunguri, Kiambu County.

Peers and family friends eulogized him as a teenager with a bright future, one who dreamt of being an excellent soccer star and an engineer.

Incidentally, he also loved swimming, according to family members.

Lilian Nyaguthii, a cousin, said Mihingo was a great fan of Manchester United and hoped to become a football player of international repute like his soccer icons Messi and Ronaldo.

“Russell loved football and often told us he would one day like to join the league of international players. Sadly for all of us, he did not live to realize his dream,” a cousin who said she regarded the deceased as a brother stated.

His father, Paul Macharia, said the death of Mihingo, who also hoped his son could pursue a career in engineering, was a blow the family could not overcome.

“This a loss we cannot bear as a family. Only God can heal the deep wounds in our hearts,” the dad said as he sobbed.

The grieving father said if the school had taken adequate precautions to safeguard the learners during the trip, his son’s life would not have been cut short at such an age.

A close family friend, Stephen Maina, said Mihingo was a star dimmed too soon and expressed hope that his death would not be in vain.

“Although we don’t want to engage in a blame game, we are wondering why the young learners were left to wander into the dam waters,” Maina said.

Boniface Mwendwa, another family friend, said the Ministry of Education should come up with strict guidelines on safety precautions during school trips to prevent tragedies like the drowning of the two boys.

He also expressed concern that the ministry’s top officials had remained mum over the pupils’ drowning incident.

“It is unfortunate that up to now, there has been no word from the Education Cabinet Secretary or his officials about the unfortunate incident,” Mwendwa stated.


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