Speaking during an interview with K24 TV, Abanja recounted how his family has struggled in the hopes that their daughter who was killed five years will finally get justice.

Nashkuru DPP kwa hayo kwa sababu tunaona kwamba at the end of the day there is light at the end of the tunnel kwa sababu ni kama tunaona light at the end of the tunnel, ni kama ile justice nlkua nalilia imetimizwa so napongeza sana DPP,” Abanja stated.

This loosely translates to:

“I am grateful to the DPP for announcing that Baby Pendo’s perpetrators will be brought to book, this has made me see that there is light at the end of the tunnel, the justice we have been crying for is finally being served, I appreciate the DPP,”

The father of three further narrated life after his daughter’s unexpected death. H recounted that the family gets constant reminders whenever they see Pendo’s agemates.

Maisha imekua ngumu, makumbusho lazima kila time unaona watoto wakitembea, unajiuliza sai angekua wapi, angekua anafanya nini, angekua mtu wa aina gani, imekua challenge but as a family we have stuck together,” Abanja added.

This loosely translates to:

“Life has been difficult, we get constant reminders whenever we see other children walking. We ask ourselves where Pendo would be in life, the kind of person she would have become, it has been a challenge but as a family, we have stuck together,”

He further reiterated that he commended Haji’s move to prosecute the officers adding that despite the case taking too long, he was contented that his daughter was finally getting the much-awaited justice that she deserved.

Hii mambo imekaa, unajua kuna mambo haistahili kua na haraka, lakini leo vile tumeskia DPP akiongelea kufunguliwa kwa mashtaka, at least tunaona kuna mabadiliko haswa mimi, naona kama kuna mabadiliko Kenya

Baby Pendo was allegedly attacked by the anti-riot police after they allegedly raided their house at Kilo, Nyalenda Estate.

She died of a severe head injury caused by a bang on the skull after an alleged police beating during the 2017 post-election violence.

DPP Haji had directed that the senior police officers who allegedly killed baby Pendo are charged.

Haji said investigations established that police officers may have been involved in the killing of Baby Pendo among other serious human rights violations including the raiding of homes of innocent unarmed civilians.

“It is evident in the records that several residents of the informal settlements were subjected to untold incidents of pain and suffering as the police officers engaged in excessive use of force and sexual violence of unprecedented magnitudes on the citizens,

“Further, evidence points to a systematic use of violence against civilians all of which constitute serious human rights violations and crimes against humanity,” Haji said in a statement.

He further said the case of crimes against humanity is the first one charged under Kenyan domestic laws using the International Crimes Act and the first criminal prosecution of electoral-related sexual violence.

DPP further said the officers who carried out the acts received a command from their superiors who are liable for prosecution.

“The operation had a well-organized command structure with sector commanders and was executed according to a consistent pattern involving similar victims and similar modus operandi,

“The operation had heads of command in charge of its implementation. The attacks were widespread and systematic against the civilian population of Nyalenda, Nyamasaria, Kondele, and Obunga. The attacks were planned, coordinated, and not random by the high-ranking officers,” Haji added.

He said there is evidence to support the prosecution of the officers with murder as a crime against humanity, rape as a crime against humanity, and torture as a crime against humanity.

“In the interim, the identities of the suspects have not been disclosed to ensure that the victims and witnesses of the aforementioned crimes are protected. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty,” Haji stated.


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