Protesters in Kisumu on Thursday raided and looted a multi-million ultramodern funeral home at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital that was officially launched by Kisumu Governor Anyang’ Nyong’o last week.

The Ksh37 million Kwee Funeral home was attacked by a group of rioters on Thursday evening who stole expensive mortuary equipment.

They raided the morgue moments after police officers took to the facility the b***********n who was lynched by a mob in Nyamasaria.

“Goons posing as protesters this evening broke down a gate damaged and looted expensive mortuary equipment which I commissioned last week,” he said.

He described the attack on the new funeral home – the first of its kind in Nyanza – as b******c.

The county boss also wondered why the police did not protect the facility from the gang which also made away with computers and other valuable equipment.

“I want to ask the police to immediately launch investigations and arrest the criminals who committed this b******c act,” he said.

The facility was fitted with a modern and s******f the art 24 body refrigeration unit, an indoor body trolley with tray, an outdoor body trolley with tray and cover, p*********m table, a safe, embalming table, autopsy set, and a hydraulic body lift.


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