The Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI) in Nandi East has begun a probe into the incident in which Chebisas Girls Secondary School’s bursar is reported to have been robbed of Ksh1.25 million in his parked vehicle at Nandi Hills town in Nandi County

Nahashon Lagat said he had parked his vehicle in the town and went to buy an item in a nearby shop only to come back and find his car broken into and money stolen.

A section of residents in Nandi Hills town said they spotted a Toyota Probox vehicle next to bursar’s parked car which appeared to have been following him but they did not bother to know what was the issue as it was raining.

Nandi East DCIO Rahamad Wasilwa visited the scene for investigations after the bursar reported the incident at Nandi Hills Police Station.

“We have started investigations into the matter and we are analysing every piece of data including the CCTV footage to get us leads. It is true Ksh1.25 million which was kept inside the said vehicle were taken by unknown people,” Wasilwa noted.

Chebisas Secondary School teachers were set to go to Mombasa County for a tour on Sunday, April 23, and had contributed Ksh30, 000 each for the trip.

The bursar had gone to Kapsabet town to withdraw the money.

He withdrew Ksh400,000 from National Bank and Ksh600,000 from KCB Bank.

He then moved to Nandi Hills town to withdraw another Ksh250,000 from Acces Bank.

“Tomorrow, we will proceed to Kapsabet where Ksh1 million was withdrawn to also analyze data from mobile phones of the tellers who served the victim and any other communication which might have arisen before during, and after the withdrawals.

“We are done with investigations from Acces Bank here in Nandi Hills,” Wasilwa said.

So far no one has been arrested over the incident but teachers still hope that the tour to Mombasa will still happen despite the money meant for the trip getting lost.

Detectives remained with the bursar’s phone for scrutiny.


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