In his first tweet after the reports of Northlands’ raid Moses Kuria simply tweeted; ‘Maguta Maguta‘. This is a common catchphrase used to market plots of land.

Maguta Maguta

While it could be entirely possible that this has nothing to do with the Northlands’ raid, the internet was pretty convinced that it was.

Sad that a cabinet Secretary supports what is happening at northland

Into the Northlands

Really? To promote and condone invasion of private land?

The gang invaded the multi-billion property well-a***d with m******s and power saws as Azimio la Umoja – One Kenya alliance supporters matched in the streets as their weekly anti-government demonstrations enter week two.

The goons later began to cut down eucalyptus trees and carted away sheep grazing after accessing the land from Kamakis along the Eastern Bypass with some captured making away with the stolen cattle on the road after the raid.

The expansive property also accessible through Thika super highway hosts the processing plant as well as offices of Kenyatta’s dairy company Brookside.

The motive behind the invasion remains unclear.


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