Two people were shot and injured after supporters of Embakasi West Member of Parliament Mark Mureithi Mwenje and his predecessor George Theuri clashed at the constituency’s CDF offices in Umoja 1 area, Nairobi, on Wednesday, April 5, 2023.

27-year-old Felician Obilo was shot in the left thigh with the bullet exiting through the buttocks. On the other hand, Eric Angawa, aged 22, sustained injuries on the right ear and lower abdomen.

The two young men are currently admitted at Mama Lucy Hospital in critical condition.

The report was filed at Buruburu Police Station by Theuri at 16:35 pm on Wednesday.

“It was reported by Hon. George Theuri former member of parliament for Embakasi West that there was a commotion at the constituency CDF offices in Umoja 1 area map ref bj 585652 about 2 kms west of the station involving two groups.

“The current Member of Parliament Hon. Mwenje was there and in the ensuing melee his bodyguard one no. 100794 pc Eli Ojwang shot 1. Felician Obilo Luo male adult aged 27 yrs who was shot on the left thigh exiting through the buttocks, 2. Eric Angawa Luo/m/aged 22 yrs was shot through the right ear and lower abdomen,” the police report reads in part.

Police officers rushed to the scene and the police constable was arrested, disarmed and his Jericho pistol with 10 rounds of ammunition confiscated.

Five spent cartridges were recovered at the scene.

Mwenje’s bodyguard is expected to be arraigned in court tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Mwenje has disputed Theuri’s statement claiming the victims were not shot by his bodyguard.

Speaking to members of the press, MP Mwenje alleged that the group allied to Theuri raided a swimming pool area where he was clearing structures in preparation for the exercise of issuance of bursary forms to locals on Thursday.

He claimed that the rowdy youth, armed with machetes and other crude weapons, attacked his supporters, forcing them to retreat to the library area.

According to the MP, the youth followed them and attempted to snatch the firearm from his bodyguard but were unable to before they allegedly whipped out their own gun and shot one of his supporters who was trying to protect the group.

Walipoingia pale wakaanza kunigonga, my assigned security officer akajitokeza akajaribu kuwazuia, but they continued to attack na wakaendea bunduki yake…kwa hiyo harakati wakapiga kijana wetu mmoja risasi, ambaye sai ako hospitalini,” he said.


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