NTV managing editor Ben Kitili angrily slammed Nyali Member of Parliament (MP) Mohammed Ali over his comments about journalists who were attacked by police during the Azimio rally on Thursday, March 30, 2023.

A plainclothes police officer captured lobbying t******s canisters inside a vehicle that journalists were using at Kware stage in Embakasi.

Mohammed Ali in a tweet on Thursday blamed the journalists for the attack saying they were embedded with politicians.

He added that the journalists are Azimio’s gun for hire.

Look at this number plate closely its KDD 233D but taped KBB 233B. It’s not a media c*r it’s loaded with speakers, mistake the journalist did was to be embedded with politicians. Dangerous trend for journalists. They must choose to report facts or be Azimio gun for hire, which they are,” Mohammed Ali tweeted.

Ali’s tweet irked NTV managing editor and senior anchor Ben Kitili who dismissed him as a letdown to the journalism profession. (The Nyali MP used to be a journalist before he joined politics).

Mhesh, you are a letdown to this profession. You are a lawmaker yet you’re using technicalities to justify police deliberately attacking & maiming journalists?! Dark days ahead. It’s particularly disappointing coming from you. Doctors who are politicians protect their profession.” Kitili tweeted.

Ali hit back in a quick rejoinder, claiming that journalists have destroyed the foundation he and others laid down for them.

You guys destroyed the foundation we laid down for you. Im so p****d off! Go back to the real journalism, don’t take sides, enjoy the freedom and give us facts. wacha mafeelings!” Ali tweeted.


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