Police in Tharaka Nithi are probing an incident where two people believed to be police officers were lynched by an angry mob at Kathanje market in Imnang’ombe.

While confirming the incident, Imbamg’ombe Deputy County Commissioner Julius Arap Too stated that the duo met their fate when they went to an M-Pesa shop at the market to arrest the operator.

The area locals noted that commotion ensued between the trio leading to an attack from the public after the M-Pesa operator called for help.

At the time, the officers believed to be from Kathwana Police Station were not in uniform.

The angry mob subjected the officers to a thorough beating that saw them lose their lives.

The police boss noted that the M-Pesa operator sustained head injuries and was rushed to a nearby health facility for treatment.

He, however, stated that police were yet to confirm the identity of the two men believed to be officers.

“I can confirm that two people, reportedly police officers attached to Kathwana Police Station, have been killed by a mob at Kanthanje market.

“We are yet to confirm their identity. I have personally taken an injured civilian to St Orsola Hospital, Materi,” Too said.

Police said they will pursue the matter and establish the motive behind the incident.

“We have launched investigations into the incident but we are not able to immediately tell what happened because we found a deserted market with the two bodies on the ground,” Igambang’ombe Sub-County Police Commander Charles Muchiri stated.


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