President William Ruto on Friday, May 5 led Kenyans in mourning Mukami Kimathi who died on Thursday, May 4 at a Nairobi hospital.

In his condolence message, President Ruto said she was a legendary fighter in her own right who courageously withstood the brutality of colonial oppression.

“We have received the saddening news of the death of Mukami Kimathi, a celebrated heroine of our nation’s struggle for independence.

“Mama Mukami Kimathi courageously withstood the brutality of colonial oppression, proudly wore the scars of the battle, and bore the terrible losses of war with admirable fortitude.

“She was a legendary fighter in her own right and the wife of the legend, Dedan Waciuri Kimathi, who was captured, tried, and executed by the colonial state,” Ruto said.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua mourned as a symbol of defiance, a mother of the struggle for independence.

“We live to celebrate her indelible legacy and that of other freedom fighters who shed blood for the freedom we enjoy today.

“Mukami was a symbol of defiance, mother of the struggle for independence. We are greatly indebted to her valour and grit. She remains an inspiring figure to those of us in leadership,” Gachagua said in his condolence message.

On his part, Azimio leader Raila Odinga mourned Mukami saying her passing on passing closed a chapter she came to personify the reality that freedom has a price.

“Her passing today closes a chapter she came to personify-the reality that freedom has a price and the nation we have today came out of sacrifices that left permanent pain and suffering in some families like that of Dedan Kimathi, her late husband.

“I will always salute and honour Mukami for the fortitude with which she picked up the pieces, holding her family together, seeking the truth about her husband and continuing to remind Kenyans of the virtues of patriotism, courage, and unity.

“Kenya owes Mama Mukami a dignified send-off and a permanent comfort for the rest of their family throughout their life,” Raila said.

Mukami passed on Thursday, May 4 after a long illness.

She was 96-years-old.


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