A Nigerian citizen is currently in remand after he was accused of defrauding a Nairobi businesswoman Ksh300,000.

The accused, Kennedy Atinse was charged with obtaining money through false pretence after he lied to Esther Wanjiku that he would triple the amount of money she had given him.

While appearing before Makadara law Court principal magistrate Monica Kivuti, the court heard that the accused had informed the complainant’s brother that he had a booming business idea that could triple the cash.

The complainant and the accused met at a rented house to discuss the idea. At the time, Atinse claimed that the lady would profit Ksh600,000 within a day.

Afterwards, the complainant left the house to return the next day.

She stated that she found the accused mixing what seemed like money with chemicals that changed colour to red.

When she questioned, Atinse told her to give him time to “ask the lab technician why the colour had changed,”

At this point, the complainant realised the accused had duped her and left with the cash.

When she looked for him two days later Atinse told her that he required an additional Ksh180,000 to clean the cash.

Atinse is also accused of working with accomplices to defraud the businesswoman of the amount aforementioned and was charged with conspiracy to commit a felony contrary to section 393 of the penal code.

He denied the charges.

Makadara law courts principal magistrate Monica Kivuti also heard that the accused was in the country illegally adding to his charges. The accused pleaded guilty.

The court ruled that he will stay in remand until April 20 for his sentencing.


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