A woman who allegedly assaulted another woman over a Ksh100 debt has today been charged at a city court.

The accused, Sharon Awuor, is said to have physically assaulted Penina Mbiti with a broken bottle and caused her injuries.

The court heard that on April 6, 2023, the accused who is a hairdresser in Mathare attacked the complainant, a tea and mandazi seller after she had demanded her(the accused) to pay Ksh100 that she owed her.

Mbiti had visited the salon on April 6, 2023, hoping that the accused would pay her debt but she instead asked her that they go outside and discuss the matter only for Awuor to hit her with a broken bottle on the left cheek.

The complainant filed a police report against Awuor who was later arrested by officers. She later sought treatment at a nearby health facility where she was treated and discharged.

“She was later issued with a P3 form and took it to a police surgeon where it was filled by Dr Kamau and a copy of it was returned to the Central police station. The accused was later on arrested pending his arraignment in court today,” the police report reads in parts.

While appearing before Milimani chief magistrate Lucas Onyina, Awuor denied the charges and was released on a Ksh10,000 cash bail.


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