Controversial cleric Eliud Wekesa alias Yesu wa Tongaren on Wednesday, May 10, 2023, presented himself to the police station for questioning after he was summoned by Bungoma police commander Francis Kooli.

Yesu wa Tongaren was accompanied by some of his followers to the police station. Speaking to the media, the controversial cleric insisted that he has never committed any crime since he started serving God at the age of 30.

“Mimi najua kulingana na Muhubiri 8:5 sheria hushika wale walio na makosa. Tangu nianze kufanya kazi hii ya Mungu nikiwa na miaka 30, leo nko na miaka 42 sijawahi ona kosa ambalo nimelitenda maana hema ama meli ya Mungu ninaloliendesha kwa ajili ya kizazi hiki duniani, hilo hema linaendeshwa na chuo ya unabii hauwezi ukakosa pasipo kuonywa na Mungu,” he said.

Asked if he would be hiring a lawyer to represent him if police were to lock him up, the 42-year-old cleric said the moon and the sun would be his lawyers.

Hapa ntasema hivi, huenda wakili wangu atakua jua na mwezi maana sina dhambi yoyote ya makosa kwa ajili ya mwanadamu. Na nkisema jua ntaawachia kitendawili hicho mutatatua,” he said.

Bungoma County police commander Francis Kooli while speaking to the media highlighted some of the questions they wanted Yesu wa Tongaren to answer.

The police boss said that they summoned the controversial cleric because they wanted him to explain what his church was all about.

Kooli further said the authorities want to establish how many followers Yesu wa Tongaren has, where his church is located and issues such as when he stopped using his official name and christened himself ‘Yesu wa Tongaren.

“Tulimpea mwaliko ya kuja kujielezea kanisa lake linahusu nini? Kanisa lake lina wafwasi wangapi na iko wapi? Na maswala ni lini aliacha jina yake ya nyumbani akajiita yesu wa Tongaren,” Kooli said.


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