In a press release dated April 14, 2023, the ministry stated that the illness which seems to have started on March 1, 2023, is caused by exterotoxigenic E. coli and Salmonella typhi and usually occurs if water sources are contaminated with these microorganisms. It presents symptoms like fever, abdoniman pains/cramps, vomiting and diarrhea.

This was concluded after a laboratory test which ruled out aflatoxicosis – a dangerous fungal infection from poorly stored cereal grains.

“Preliminary laboratory investigations undertaken have revelaed exterotoxigenic E. coli and Salmonella typhi as the cause of the illness. Further investugations done on the grains for aflatoxin have turned negative,” part of the statement read.

Further, the Director General of Health Patrick Amoth warned that the disease can be spread through contact and asked residents to be vigilant.

“The Ministy wishes to inform the general public that this disease has high potential of person to person spread especially in congregated settings where people eat and live in cose proximity,” the ministry warned.


“To further forestall spread of the infection, the ministry has adviced people to maintain standards of personal hygiene by washing hands with soap and running water, treat or boil water for drinking and cooking, proper use of toilets and to properly cook all food and eat it while still hot.”

So far, a total of four people in Kakamega have succumed and 19 are still receiving treatment.

“Comprehensive investigations are currently underway but data analyzed so far indicates that the disease seems to have started on March 1, 2023. As at April 14, 2023, 627 patients heve been taken ill, while 19 are currenlty admitted in seven health facilities across the countr all of who are in stable condition.
Unfortunately we have lost four patients to this illness,” the statement further shows.


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