A man has been slapped with a six-month jail term for verbally abusing his sister-in-law.

While appearing before Senior Principal Magistrate Dolphina Alego, the court heard that Zakaria Ingutia hurled unprintable insults at his in-laws before a crowd at Shibuli market in Kakamega county.

He is said to have called her a corrupt individual, a home breaker and a dog.

In his defence, the accused pleaded to settle the matter out of court noting that it was right for the issues to be handled at a family level.

He also asked the complainant to withdraw the charges against him.

“No one is perfect and misunderstanding in a family is something that cannot be avoided. I did wrong to my sister-in-law and feel that before I plead to the charge you give us time to settle it at the family level,” he stated.

He added: “My dear sweet in-law, nobody is perfect and I still love you despite you bringing me to court but it’s better if we could do away with the court and solve the matter from home,”

In her ruling, the magistrate noted that the matter was a serious offence and therefore the complainant could not withdraw the case.

“Considering the mitigation, the accused should serve six months’ suspended sentence,” Alego ruled.


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