Business came to a standstill at Makutano in Kapenguria, West Pokot, on Wednesday, April 13 after an irate mob killed and later burnt a middle-aged man suspected to be a thug.

Hundreds of residents, who turned up to witness the incident at Makutano Police Station after several gunshot sounds, claimed that the man was a notorious criminal who had killed a Pser Secondary School student a few days ago.

Residents said that the suspect was among a gang who were stealing motorbikes and killing people around Makutano area.

The police led by Kapenguria OCPD Kipkoech Kirui arrived at the scene and stopped the burning of the body.

Kirui noted that an irate mob numbering about 700 which had regrouped around the station forcefully pulled the suspect as he was boarding a police vehicle registration number GK B 219 T Toyota Land Cruiser.

“They immediately started beating him up using stones and pieces of wood until he died about 100 metres away from the station,” he said.

The OCPD explained that efforts by police officers present to control the mob were unsuccessful.

“The police tried to restrain but the public overpowered them. In the process, officers sustained injuries as follows: (1) No.81463 Cpl Ali Mohammed suffered a brushed left wrist, and also his mobile phone make Techno 19 valued at Ksh24,000 was snatched, (2) No. 259296 Pc Bare Aden lost one tooth, (3) No. 118674 Pc Juma Dalo was injured on the right rib area and both knees,” Kirui stated.

Kirui pointed out that the mob further damaged the windscreen and the driver’s window of the police vehicle.

“A total of 19 rounds of 7.62 mm special and 2 rounds of 7.62 mm ordinary were fired in the air to scare the stubborn mob,” he stated.

The scene was processed and the deceased’s body moved to Kapenguria County Referral Hospital mortuary pending a postmortem


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