A woman residing in Kitengela, Kajiado County, is now headed to Shakahola, Kilifi County to search for her missing 12 year-old daughter.

Sarah Aoko’s first born daughter Stacey Atieno went missing on August 1, 2022 and her effort to search for her is yet to borne any fruits.

According to Aoko, she left her rented house at Noonkopir area to ran some errands in Kitengela town at around 8 am but upon returning home at 10 am, Atieno was missing.

Her frantic efforts to know her daughter’s whereabouts have been unfruitful nine months later.

Devasted Aoko, who describes her daughter as calm, had moved to Kitengela from Njiru Nairobi barely two months before she went missing.

“I relocated to Kitengela after life in Nairobi became unbareable with the hope of doing available casual jobs.

“Unfortunately, just two months after I settled on my small single room, my daughter misteriously went missing to date.

“I reported the matter to Kitengela Police Station and began my journey of locating her in vain,” she said.

She added: “I went back to Nairobi and my rural village in Kisumu but I have never even traced her.

“I have searched for her in relative homes but the most mysterious thing is nobody including neighbors has ever said to have seen her.”

She said on the fateful day, Atieno who was a Class Seven leaner at St Joseph Mbiuni Machakos County was on a jovial mood.

“I do not understand how and why my daughter would ran away from home. She had not shown any sign of being unhappy and she was not rogue. She was a responsible girl and we were good friends,” Aoko stated.

She said following her unsuccessful search she had decided to go to Shakahola to try her luck.


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