A huge fire broke out on a farm at the Kenyatta family’s Northlands City near Ruiru on Monday evening, hours after a***d goons invaded the property.

Videos seen by K24 Digital, show the inferno spreading rapidly in a planted forest on the expansive ranch. 

The forest cover is said to have been set ablaze by a group of unknown persons who invaded the farm earlier today and looted property of unknown value.

The gang invaded the multi-billion property well-a***d with m******s and power saws before they began to cut down eucalyptus trees as others made away with sheep grazing on the farm.

The property also accessible through Thika super highway hosts the processing plant as well as offices of former presidents Jomo and Uhuru Kenyatta’s dairy company, Brookside.

The attacks are linked to the opposition’s protests that a section of the Kenya Kwanza leaders claim are sponsored by Uhuru.

Similar attacks were witnessed at opposition leader Raila Odinga’s East Africa Spectre Limited, a gas plant situated along Mombasa Road.

Videos that have surfaced online show goons pelting stones and destroying property at the former prime minister’s company.

The firm located in the Industrial area is among the leading players in the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinder businesses.

Speaking during the opposition’s anti-government protests in Kibera, Nairobi, Raila blamed the attacks on senior Kenya Kwanza leaders.

“Those cowards sent goons today to Uhuru Kenyatta’s farm. They have also resorted to sending p****e to my Spectre factory. That is an act of crime and stupidity,” Raila lamented.

“We have followed the constitution in our politics and protests. Those invading other p****e’s farms and factories are cowards.”

He maintained that the opposition won’t be cowed by the acts and will continue with their push for economic and electoral reforms in the country.


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