A hacker is demanding 500$ (Ksh68,250) to surrender hacked Kabarak University official Facebook page.

In a post, the hacker, who claimed to be an IT student at a school in Jakarta, Indonesia, said the demand was too little for the university not to afford.

“I also have another option, you guys just give me 500$ , and I’ll bring this page back, the offer is cheap for a big university,” he posted on the page.

The hacker has been posting memes on the page for the past three days.

In one of the posts, the hacker challenged the university to recover the page.

Hello everyone, here I just want to clarify about this account that was hacked, to be honest I was just having fun so don’t take the posts I publish seriously, once again I’m sorry.

I will not return this account, but I challenge all of you to reclaim this account immediately.

regards a student from one of Jakarta’s IT-based high schools,” he posted.

By the time of publishing this story, the university was yet to reclaim the page.

The page has 46000 followers.


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