Governor Simba Arati has fired two morgue attendants working for Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital mortuary over corruption allegations.

According to the county boss, the duo was being paid to attend to extra bodies beyond the mortuary’s capacity.

“The two were being given money to clean extra bodies. The capacity of this mortuary is 72 but it was holding around 200 bodies. I have instructed that they be fired immediately,” he stated.

Governor Arati also announced that already new morgue attendants have been brought into the facility to replace those who have been sacked.

“We have now brought mortuary attendants from one of the best mortuaries in the country,” he stated.

The governor further announced plans to renovate an old building where he said his government has allocated Ksh2 million to renovate it to be used as a morgue.

“I have also directed the CEO to use Ksh2 million to renovate the old mortuary so that it can host and handle all unclaimed bodies,” Arati noted.


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