“I just beat the H*****s – They managed to lock me out for a while. I planted a flag of victory on their territory too. They will struggle to be back,” he stated.

The h*****s took over his Twitter account on March 22, whom Itumbi termed as crypto gurus. They also changed his profile name to Arbitrum, which refers to cryptocurrency suite scaling heights.

“H*****s have taken up my Twitter account. The h*****s are associated with Crypto Currency,” he wrote on a Whatsapp status.

After losing the account, he revealed that he owns a “few bitcoins which I bought then when they were selling at Ksh60,000.”

He said the h*****s had also attempted to take down his Facebook and Instagram but were unsuccessful.

 “As for my account it shall be restored shortly,” he noted. “They tried my email, Instagram and FB too, but I got them before they could.”

He said the h*****g is a “b****l welcome and a clear message” on cyber security. “For now H*****s 1 – Itumbi 0. In the fullness of time that score will be something else,” he added.

Itumbi has been nominated by President William Ruto for the position of Cabinet Administrative Secretary (CAS) in the Ministry of ICT and Digital Economy.


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