Another building in Kiambu county collapsed on Saturday, May 6, 2023, highlighting the enduring danger residents in the county continue to face in the hands of incompetent contractors.

The four storey building in Kidfamacao, Kikuyu that was under construction had two occupants who have since been rescued.

At the same time, 70 others survived the tragedy with Kikuyu police commander Ronald Kirui confirming that the neighbours have also been evacuated.

Kirui says the police have launched manhunt for the owner as well as engineers involved to face the law.

The five-storey residential blocks named Jennid Apartments which were constructed 10 years ago in Kiambu Sub-County are reported to have developed minor and major cracks on walls, windowpanes and slabs, which were consistent on all floors forcing the county government to evacuate tenants.

Preliminary investigation by the county’s department of Lands, Housing, Physical Planning, Municipal Administration and Urban indicated that the cracks were caused by a weak foundation.

“The cracks are linked to a foundation failure and the county structural engineers have declared the building as unsafe for occupation,” a statement from Kiambu county government reads in parts.

Meanwhile, the department’s County Executive Committee(CEC) Salome Muthoni says more plans are on course to audit and examine buildings’ safety following increased cases of collapsing buildings in the county.


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