Trans Nzoia Governor George Natembeya has made changes in his cabinet in an effort to ensure enhanced service delivery.

In the new lineup, Samson Ojwang’ retains his position as the County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Health Services and Sanitation was given additional responsibilities to double up as the CECM for Public Service Management.

Roads and Public Works CECM Chanelle Kittony has also been entrusted with more responsibilities where she will also act as the CECM for Gender, Youth, Sports and Culture.

Finance and Economic Planning CECM Pepela Wanjala will double up as the CECM for Water, Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change albeit in an acting capacity.

Phanice Khatundi retains her Agriculture, Irrigation, Livestock and Fisheries docket as she also acts as the CECM for Lands, Housing, Physical Planning and Urban Development.

Also retaining position is the Trade and Industrialization CECM Patrick Gacheru.

In the reshuffles, Natembeya seems to have ignored the decision by the County Assembly of Trans Nzoia to impeach Janerose Mutama and retained her in the cabinet, moving her from the Department of Lands, Housing, Physical Planning and Urban Development to the Department of Education and Vocational Training.


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